Instigated by Sir Robert McAlpine, the Construction Data Trust will collect and analyse anonymised project data, initially focussing on areas such as health and safety, quality and risk management.
The aim is to use advanced project data analysis techniques to drive improved data quality, unlock cost effective innovation and create one cross-industry response to common challenges. Organisations will be able to access the data and its findings as long as they agree to submit some of their own information.
The Construction Data Trust will be run in conjunction with data analytics specialists Projecting Success and Sir Robert McAlpine Director of Business Development Grant Findlay will serve as chair for the first 12 months.
Get involved
By getting involved, you will help drive innovation that will benefit your projects. Project delivery is a late adopter of advanced data analytics and AI. Although small improvements can be realised when working in isolation, the transformational value resides in our ability to analyse data at scale. We can only achieve this by working together and creating the critical mass we need to drive innovation.