31st Oct 2022

Project update: Gradel Quadrangles

Watch the construction progress at Gradel Quadrangles as the new residential building for New College Oxford is taking shape.

We take a look around the Gradel Quadrangles development to see the construction progress to date.

New College recently hosted a second complimentary breakfast for the project team working on the Gradel Quadrangles site.

Once again, the venue was the College’s spectacular dining hall. The oldest working venue of its kind in Oxford and Cambridge, the hall has been serving meals since 1379. Quite the experience!

Out on site, work progresses and is certainly grabbing the attention of passers-by, owing to the complex geometry and the high level of detailing involved. 

We took this opportunity to speak to Gez Wells, Home Bursar of New College, and Richard Bayfield, Project Director, New College, who share how the project has been progressing from their perspective.

Breakfast at New College Oxford

Gradel Quadrangles - Interview with Gez Wells, Home Bursar, New College

I'm Gez Well, I'm the Home Bursar of New College  and I'm responsible for the daily operations of  
an institution which is nearly 700 years old. And,  pleasingly, I'm also responsible for delivery of  
Gradel Quadrangles project working in partnership  with David Kohn Architects and Sir Robert  
McAlpine. What's particularly pleasing about  this project, as opposed to other projects I've  
been involved with, is the clear communication and  collaboration that we're managing to achieve with  
both the design team and construction team. The  College really does pride itself on the importance  
of this idea that actually this is a team from the  beginning to the end and we realise that it's all  
about the input that we put in at the beginning,  which makes for a successful project. The McAlpine  
team have bought into that idea straight away and  right from those inception meetings and having  
early discussions about how a really complex site,  and difficult to achieve, given its constraints,  
how this project would come together and be built.  We are past a year in now and the building site we  
stand here today is really testament to the level  of working detail that went in at the beginning.  
Pleasingly, we're on time. I'd like  to think we still remain on budget  
and we are a really successful happy  team as we produce what is going to be  
a really magnificent landmark building for Oxford.

Gradel Quadrangles - Interview with Richard Bayfield, Project Director, New College

I'm Richard Bayfield, the Project Director. I was  brought into New College just over four years ago  
after planning permission was achieved in the  project. Hence, experiences of the project team,  
and particularly the main contractor, Sir  Robert McAlpine, have been very positive so far.  
Part of my role was to recruit a cohesive and  collaborative team, not just on the consultant  
side but on the contracting side. The architect a  few weeks ago called me and said how he felt trust  
was still on the table. And I think to deliver  a successful complex project such as this one,  
trust needs to be on the table the whole time,  on both sides. Collaborative attitudes of the  
SRM team have been foremost in what we've  experienced as a client. There's been a  
'can-do' approach but a recognition that on such  a complex project everyone needs to be flexible  
but also to respect our commercial positions on  both sides. I think one of the other things that's  
been particularly good is the ability to have an  open mind from everyone in the delivery team. We  
started this project with a concrete roof, a shell  roof, and through discussions, through peer tests,  
in fact even from challenges from the engineering  department at Oxford University, we've ended up  
with a timber roof, which has reduced our carbon  footprint and I think has produced a much better  
result overall. That was one of those areas  where if everyone in the project team, designers,  
contractors, had had fixed positions we would have  ended up with an unsatisfactory solution for the  
client. I think we've got a much more satisfactory  solution that ticks a lot of boxes, has saved us  
money and saved us carbon. And to come out of  that attitude that we're prepared to compromise,  
we're prepared to hear new ideas, we're prepared  to look at alternatives. As the building takes  
shape we're getting a lot of plaudits from those  that just walk past the site and are intrigued  
by this very unusual, very complex building  taking shape along the Oxford Skyline. It's  
a building that I think will will  turn heads and is turning heads.

Construction update at Gradel Quadrangles for New College Oxford

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