4th Apr 2023

Construction begins at Kingsway Hospital in Derby

Integrated Health Projects (IHP), an alliance between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McAlpine, starts construction on Derbyshire Healthcare's new mental health facilities following two recent ground-breaking ceremonies.

Construction begins for the two new mental health hospital units at the Kingsway Hospital in Derby and Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

The new facilities will each have 54 single, en-suite rooms, replacing the current facilities in Derby and Chesterfield which have dormitory accommodation, including green areas, therapy space and temperature-controlled rooms, helping to improve the safety, privacy and dignity of patients.

They are part of the Trust’s ambitious £150 million Making Room for Dignity programme– a government-funded programme to completely revamp the mental health inpatient (hospital) facilities in Derbyshire.

These facilities are being delivered by Integrated Health Projects (IHP), an alliance between Sir Robert McAlpine and VINCI Building.

As part of the initiative we are also delivering a new 14-bed psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) at Kingsway Hospital in Derby. Derbyshire does not currently have a PICU and people who need this level of support currently have to travel outside of the county to access an appropriate bed.

Making Room for Dignity Kingsway ground-breaking ceremony

thank you
we've been highly delighted with a lot
of the the services that that people
have received over over many years but
this is the icing on the cake to get to
get the wonderful physical facilities
and I just think it's an amazing
development for us it'll be really good
for our population in terms of having a
calm environment to be able to receive
the care that they need at the time so
I'm really excited to see the buildings
going up
I think it's a really positive step for
the community and the local community
and for the patients
especially the the positive the green
the green space I think will be amazing
for recovery and moving forwards we've
been really pleased to be able to
support the project from the point of
view of providing the land for the
project it's a really good example of
system working where ourselves in the
Mental Health Trust are working together
to do something that's right for our
patients our design the logo for the
project and I really enjoyed doing that
and it's on the crane up there I've
really enjoyed being part of the
celebration of what's going to be an
amazing project for people in Derbyshire
it's been a great day today it's
fantastic to see all the work that's
gone on into the project actually see
the buildings going up it really brings
a sort of smile to your face knowing
that all the challenges that the NHS has
got you know especially around mental
health and we're actually really getting
there in terms of having new facilities
that are going to be fantastic for
patients it's going to be an amazing
facility for people to come and work
come and work in really really sort of
Cutting Edge sort of state-of-the-art
facilities for patients and for staff
really so it's been a the first steps in
a sort of long journey but really really
fantastic day
hello everyone
I'm Selena the trust chair and I'd like
to open today's groundbreaking ceremony
by thanking you all for coming on this
rather gray day it was beautiful this
morning but it's great today
um but all the same year here on behalf
of the trust please accept a very warm
team Derbyshire Healthcare Welcome to
our site I hope you'll agree that this
is a really exciting time for the future
of our services at Derbyshire overall
and it is fantastic to see that we have
so many representatives from all areas
of our system here today
ceremony gives us an opportunity to
celebrate how far we have come since
2020 when we first commenced our
dormitory eradication journey and look
to the future of making room for dignity
particularly the new adult acute
inpatient facility we stand on today
I hope you will agree that this new
hospital which will be a new bigger and
modernized version of our current radwim
unit will really put Derbyshire on the
map in terms of our commitment to
provide people with Premier mental
health facilities offering Services
which will enable people to flourish
with the support of our outstanding
our new environments will support
holistic therapy-based care and Recovery
whilst providing increased levels of
privacy and dignity through single room
ensuite accommodation
this program has demonstrated the very
best of partnership working to achieve
improved Healthcare facilities and
services for our patients at every step
of the way the countless number of
people involved has reflected the values
we hold someday within this trust
putting people first by working
passionately and supportively
this has been demonstrated through the
involvement and inclusion of our
Derbyshire Healthcare staff colleagues
our service users carers and partners
throughout every step of the process
from initial designs to the Aesthetics
within and the holistic therapeutic
approach to care
I feel so incredibly privileged to be
part of this once in a lifetime
opportunity to develop such important
services for our local communities
to commemorate this as part of the
ceremony we will be bearing a time
capsule which contains many wonderful
suggestions from colleagues and patient
reps from across the trust including our
very own Derbyshire Healthcare
compilation of songs and aspirations for
the future from our patients and carer
before this though we have a number of
speakers the first of whom I will hand
over now to
Aaron our
adventure our medical director who will
give an overview of the benefits of the
new healthcare facility
thank you very much
thank you Selena
hello everybody afternoon
so I'd start to highlight the positive
impact on recovery it's not just about a
building it's about what it means to our
patients and Recovery is going to be at
the heart of what this will bring
and this is a replacement of our current
dormitory style accommodation and this
will provide a modern environment for
our patients and as I said before
recovery would be at the heart of this
we know that the environment in which
people work and receive care is really
important and it can have a range of
mental health benefits
and it will meet individual needs and
preferences often leading to a reduction
in length of stay that people need to
stay in our Wards so that's quite
important because the num it's not just
the number of pets it's reducing the
duration of stay will help people stay
locally when they need that level of
while the current services that we
provide here in this site offer
fantastic care they are still delivered
in Thomas Street style Wards which is
why we've been really working hard for
many years to secure the funding that
was required for this and I know that
many of our colleagues here have been
working really hard for many many years
um despite all the challenges that have
been thrown at us from time to time and
and there were so many when they
and we know that this will
um the newly purposeful the new
purpose-built hospital will allow us to
introduce enhanced levels of infection
control and covid-19 taught us all about
the importance of isolation when it's
needed because mental health units were
not prepared for kobit 19 pandemic so I
think it's a good opportunity for us to
incorporate that into the design of the
building so that we can Safeguard our
patients against future pandemics
thankfully not kovitz hopefully not code
um it will reduce the amount of shared
sleeping space that people have and it
will also support cohorting of patients
if there are outbreaks of infection as I
told before and these services will
focused on therapeutic interventions
with the person-centered approach to
trauma recovery and this new units will
help us with that
the new hospital will enhance the
services currently available while
providing a better quality for patients
and it will improve privacy and dignity
they will be equipped with modern
facilities and additional resources for
example there will be a shared therapy
suit incorporating activities of daily
it will have an indoor in it will have a
kitchen and it will have an indoor
Fitness room and there will be an online
library resource room because access to
Internet is so vital in today's modern
community and there will be an Arts room
and also access to a secured Roof Garden
for what's in the first floor
so it will ensure that everybody has
access to therapeutic Green Space and
green space is so important in mental
health recovery there is a lot of
evidence to say if you have access to
Green Space then the recovery is quicker
following feedback from our service
users and staff therapy based tools
which include sensory equipment activity
rooms and quiet rooms will be increased
to Aid recovery and this is a hugely
positive investment for people of
Derbyshire as it puts dignity in respect
to the center of patient experience and
it allows us to now provide single and
suit rooms in modern welcoming
environments to everyone who use this
as well as our adult new adult acute
inpatient unit I am also thrilled to be
a part of development of a new
psychiatric Intensive Care Unit or we
call it as a PQ we love acronyms in NHS
so we call it a PQ we which will be
co-located on this site a Derbyshire
does not currently have a PQ and people
who need picu have to go outside the
appreciative access that service
and that's not going to be required from
now on once we have the picture
this new unit will make a hugely
positive difference to those who need
that service and it's very much a vital
part of any mental health pathway
because it sits between adult inpatient
care and secure care so this is hugely
important for our community and for us
as a trust
I would like to thank everyone who has
been involved in this program which
started long before I commenced in the
post I've been really impressed to see
the high levels of Engagement because
it's at every interface with the
carriers with the service users with our
staff with the Commissioners with the
construction site company so everybody
has been very engaged with this whole
and I've been um
I want to say a big thank you to all the
staff who continue to support people as
best as they can in our existing
environments because kovit posed a real
challenge in managing some of those
situations where we had to
isolate people especially when they got
so I will now hand over to Simon from
equal forum who will provide the
perspective of lived experience over to
you science
hello everybody I'm Simon Rays I'm
Network advisor for equal which is
Derbyshire healthcare's patiently carer
um I sit in that space between with both
working for the trust and having used
Trust Services for for over half my life
and picking up on what Aaron's is about
peaky I'm unfortunate I've never needed
to access in psychiatric intensive care
but I have had to access Services
outside of Derbyshire
and I understand just how difficult it
can be to be in an unfamiliar
environment you're away from your family
you're away from your friends you're
away from your carers you're away from
your loved ones you're away from your
ensuring that we have a PQ in Derbyshire
should mean that more people can get
access to the Urgent Care that they need
closer to home
in turn hopefully reducing the length of
stay and and those out of area
placements so I'm I'm positive that
these new healthcare facilities
will allow for better outcomes for for
service users but also for our families
for our friends for our carers
and for those who deliver care to us
I'm aware that many available Forum
colleagues have had a high level of
involvement in shaping the design of
these services and the nature of them
that's been really varied and it ranges
from focusing on the type of therapeutic
care down to the details as to where the
visiting rooms and things should be
I'm confident that this is going to
continue into the future meaning that
Services really work for the people who
use them
so in terms of dormitoris Derbyshire is
one of only a few areas still offering
care in dormitris
I know it's taken a huge amount of work
to secure funding to make the dream of
of moving away from dormitory as a
reality so thank you to everybody's work
so hard to achieve this
really thank you for ensuring that the
people of Derbyshire have access to to
Modern to high quality facilities that
enhance the care that's provided on our
that's a personal plan I'm also hopeful
that we can use this as an opportunity
to carry on tackling the stigma around
mental illnesses with the support of our
local communities many of whom are
greatly and supported these developments
thank you I'm Han Davis Landing
thanks Simon
I I think your your words are really
differing to likewise why why these
facilities here are so important
hello everybody lovely to see you this
afternoon my name's Andy Harris and I'm
the senior responsible officer for the
developments both here at Derby and in
so um Aaron and Simon spoke about the
level of financial investment that we
needed to make these plans a reality for
Derbyshire and I'd like to start by
acknowledging that the making room for
dignity program
certainly hasn't been without its
we know
um I know many of you have been integral
in helping us to to to overcome those
those difficulties we started the
program with six projects consisting of
our 254-bed adult acute inpatient
the one we stand on today at Kingsway
and one up in Chesterfield as well as
the psychiatric intensive care unit for
our male service users uh enhanced care
unit for female service users which will
both be here at Kingsway our redborn
unit refurbishment for female service
users and the refurbishment of the uh
Ward at Walton hospital for our older
service users
it's it's really is true to say we
encountered some unprecedented
challenges between
2020 and the end of 22 including the the
cost of living crisis and hyperinflation
in the construction industry which we
haven't seen the like of for decades
these had a direct impact on the
projects creating real affordability
and for a while requiring a pause on
some of the projects
the day-to-day increases in the cost of
living with the increase in Energy
prices also had the direct impact on the
cost and availability of the building
materials that we needed for these much
needed units
the war in Ukraine
and it even further to this with with
many of uh the key raw materials such as
steel previously coming from Russia
so it impacted on the increased level of
funding required to complete all six
projects and resulted in some amendments
to our our schedule of works with a
focus on the two new acute
the amount of hard work and tenacity
that went into overcoming and resolving
these challenges we really can't
underestimate and it is a testament to
partnership working throughout our
Derbyshire system
we know that the developments were
really important to Derbyshire and to
our service users and so none of us were
prepared to give that up
it's thanks to that commitment through
joint working with our colleagues and
our partners right across their uh the
local system and at a national level
that we're now on track to complete our
inpatient units by autumn24
our Older Adult Services currently based
at the Hartington unit
excuse me we'll relocate to Walton
hospital by mid-24 and the piku and
enhanced care unit and Redbone unit
refurbishment follow in Spring 25.
I'd like to bring this section to a
close by saying on behalf of myself and
the program team a a really big thanks
to every one of you that's helped us to
reach our goal
and special thanks
go out to the support that we received
from our own trust board from our
colleagues at NHS England the adult
health and uh scrutiny board and the
Derbyshire integrated care board
including all of our joined up care
Derbyshire colleagues and partners
but of course none of this would be
possible without the support and input
from our trust colleagues and our
service users and carers they have been
and will continue to be at the heart of
the program
I'd also like to thank our our
colleagues from ihp from Vinci and uh
Sir Robert McAlpine their dedication to
what must have seemed like an
ever-changing program as we went through
the challenges has been absolutely
outstanding and Andrew Weston James
beard more who I can't see at the moment
um have been second to none in their
management of the sites
um and last but by no means least I must
say a big thank you to the project team
the program team uh so uh Jeff kneeled
our program director uh that he preached
uh Leslie Watson Nick Richards Jane
Davis uh sifo lemini and Lucy Miller and
a big thanks to our our comms and
engagement team for making the
arrangements for today's events and for
being absolutely brilliant throughout
um the the program as it's developed
so as we as we move towards the end of
the speeches I'll hand back to Selena to
share a poem with you
so I'd like to conclude today's events
by sharing a poem with you and the poems
called there is hope by Robert Longley
as long as there is Wonder and
willingness to change Futures may be
altered and courses rearranged
as long as there are dreamers who see a
future bright who know that there is
promise that will let us sleep at night
it might not happen quickly or through
the course of days but she will start to
see the changes in often subtle ways you
simply need the feeling of hope within
your heart and Trust things will get
better to let the magic start
thank you
thank you everyone I think we're going
to take some photos

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