The Cycle Works, Raglan Street, Coventry
Revolutionising student housing with Coventry University's new vibrant campus hub.
Transforming Monkwearmouth Hospital with innovative NHS workspaces for modern healthcare needs.
Project structure: A Sir Robert McAlpine Capital ventures Joint Venture using Sir Robert McAlpine as the main contractor secured under the Pagabo Developer Led Framework
Our role: Structuring, delivering and managing the development, including the long-term funding solution.
Monkwearmouth Hospital is on the frontline of mental health, learning disability and neurological care in the North of England. Its original non-clinical buildings had fallen behind the intelligent, resource efficient environments that enable modern, flexible wording that are becoming the hallmarks of today's NHS.
A new vision for a landmark building that connects the hospital's non-clinical and clinical infrastructure was agreed upon in August 2022. The Trust's challenge was funding this vision to create certainty and maximise the placemaking opportunity.
A direct appointment on the Pagabo Framework allowed our team to build on an existing relationship with the Trust. By fully understanding their needs and ambitions, we could focus on defining and presenting the right funding options for the development and the hospital's future.
Our experience and standing in the financial markets meant we were able to leverage an index-linked, government-backed solution that delivers a below market rent for our client.
Our collaboration removed financial obstacles and structured the SPV and supply chain to complete the works in early 2024. Thus, we helped ensure certainty at care and future-proofed a key asset in the treatment and care of Mental Health.
Revolutionising student housing with Coventry University's new vibrant campus hub.
Creating a new education landmark for the City and a home for 40,000 students and 1,200 staff.
Integrating a modern, residential led destination into a heritage environment to meet a City’s rising demands.
Delivering a vision dedicated to innovation in treatment and care for up 20,000 patients per annum.
Building and maintaining a key national strategic 125km route in the North East that carries up to 90,000 cars per day.