Monkwearmouth Hospital
Transforming Monkwearmouth Hospital with innovative NHS workspaces for modern healthcare needs.
Building and maintaining a key national strategic 125km route in the North East that carries up to 90,000 cars per day.
Project structure: PFI to design, build, finance and operate. Let under the Governments’ DBFO initiative.
Our role: PFI Concession owner managing all aspects of the project.
The A19 is more than a road. It carries over 98,000 cars daily and 5% more HGVs than the national average. This makes it a critical artery for goods and people to make the local and national connections that help drive the North East's economy.
We take responsibility for every metre of the 120km network in an initiative that requires meticulous planning, innovation and robust construction delivery with safety at the heart of everything we do.
For over 26 years, we, alongside Sir Robert McAlpine, have driven collaboration, rigour, quality and consistency in every aspect of the project, from construction to operations. We are proud to jointly celebrate four million hours without a RIDDOR reportable incident in April 2023.
Whether strengthening bridges, engineering value, designing and constructing new structures, re-surfacing and extending carriageways or installing emergency phones, best practice underpins our every action.
It is best practice that keeps the traffic moving freely every day so deliveries reach customers, families stay connected, motorists stay safe, and we actively support the economy and communities of the North East.
The Strategic Roads User Survey 2023/24, which is carried out annually by independent watchdog Transport Focus, voted the A19 the best “A” road in England, achieving the highest overall satisfaction rate of 85%.
The survey questioned over 9,000 road users about their recent journeys on motorways or major ‘A’ roads managed by National Highways, serving as a formal measure of user satisfaction and highlighting the exceptional performance of the A19 in the process.
Transforming Monkwearmouth Hospital with innovative NHS workspaces for modern healthcare needs.
Revolutionising student housing with Coventry University's new vibrant campus hub.
Creating a new education landmark for the City and a home for 40,000 students and 1,200 staff.
Integrating a modern, residential led destination into a heritage environment to meet a City’s rising demands.
Delivering a vision dedicated to innovation in treatment and care for up 20,000 patients per annum.